Wednesday, January 6, 2010

First class of the year! ...

And I wasn't there. My car elected to break down. How very very annoying. I drove a '93 Hyundai Excel for like 13 years without it breaking down once, now I have a shiny new Fiesta that's supposed to be reliable and has only done around 70000 km and the clutch goes all broken! How rude!

I think the standard thing to put here is a few goals:

  1. Two a week, every week:

    I'm going to be moving closer to the gym at some stage in February so that will help. I think the biggest challenges to this goal would be work and me hurting my back. Still, two isn't that many.

  2. Fitness Fitness Fitness:

    It'll be much more fun when I'm capable of rolling a few round in a row without dying. It should also help with recovery, because at the moment my back is generally pretty bad the day after training.

  3. Escapes:

    OK so I don't have many yet, but getting out from under side control or mount has proved very difficult for me so far. I can't compensate for being bad by being strong, so learning and applying correct escapes is essential.

  4. Don't be afraid to try for things I know:

    I have a tendency to hesitate even when I correctly recognize an opportunity to attempt one of the few submissions I know. Obviously this will get better with practice, but I should be at least trying for it. What's the worst thing that can happen? If I screw it up the world doesn't end!

  5. Go to a tournament:

    This will probably be a disorganized and impromptu occurrence when it happens. I'm doing this as a hobby and competition isn't really high on my list of things to achieve, but I should probably try it out at some stage!

  6. Take over the world:

    Just pretend you didn't see this, it'll be easier if everyone is surprised.

I should hopefully get my car back by the end of the week. Saturday training is a possibility, but more likely Monday next week.

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